Get Your Ideal Price!
Seller Financing
We will buy your house at your fair asking price if you will work with us on terms.
Why do Seller Financing?
Let's say you bought your house 10 years ago for $100,000. Now it's worth $250,000. Maybe you've put it on the market before and it didn't sell for that price, but you know that's what you want to get out of it. Or you don't want to pay all of the Realtor fees, repairs, updates, closing costs, and deal with the stress of a traditional sale. The home doesn't have to be "market ready" either- we can handle the updates and fixes to make it work on our side. Selling it on seller financing lets you guarantee the price that you want, and frankly, you deserve.
What are terms?
Terms are the things that you get from the deal. we don't go to a bank and get their loan and their terms. Since we're buying it from you, you become our bank. What can we work out so that you get what you need and we can make a profit as well?
How much of a down payment do you need?
What is the monthly payment amount?
What interest rate are you asking for?
How can we afford to pay more than anyone else?
We will pay your amount when nobody else will because we don't have to go through the hassle and expense of going to a bank, getting a loan, and paying the crazy current interest rates. We make our money by turning around and using the house to produce income. The strategy we use varies based on the house, area, and other factors, but one example is turning it into a rental home, managing the tenants and problems that you don't want to deal with at a higher price than our monthly payment to you. You will receive money that can be used today, and money coming in every month that you can use to live, save, and pass down to your loved ones.
Let's talk about you
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